


“Salt” addresses our desire to help others. With so many needs around us how can we make a difference in meeting the needs of those who struggle? Drawing upon Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, this video suggests that those who would serve should certainly act when they can accomplish some great good thing, but there is also value in the small gesture.

I would appreciate your response to the video in the comment section below.


1) Have I every felt overwhelmed by the number of needs in my life or in society? What ways have I found to remain positive and serve?

2) Why is this video is set on a stage with part of it located behind the curtain? How might such venues relate to the scriptural passage on which the video centers?

3) Have I ever been given an opportunity to serve someone in a truly significant way? What was the result of my service both for me and for the person I tried to help?

4) Have I ever been touched by a small action of kindness offered to me or surprised by the impact of a small gesture I have offered to another? Describe the actions and evaluate their power.

23 thoughts on “Salt”

  1. Great new insights about a very familiar passage of Scripture. Thank you for bringing this image to a new depth of understanding. It can help bring new meaning to the thousand opportunities each day to be a “pinch” of salt. I will certainly link this video to our seminary website. Thank you for being a great gift to our seminary learning community!

  2. Great job. Excellent production. Love the message. Slight critique is the music was a little loud during the stage scene. Great use of visual dynamic front front of curtain to behind, that ties the message together.

    Well done and inspiring. Thank you and His blessings upon you.

  3. This message hit right at my heart. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to give…no money, no things. You reminded that I still have that salt the Love has gifted me with, and perhaps someone is waiting for just a little pinch of it. Thank you for the reminder! God bless.

  4. All of Father George’s videos have been inspiring and artistically done. The Salt of the Earth message spoke to me deeply and leaves images and a message to carry daily into our lives. Thank you for making and sharing. Well done!

  5. Very well done Fr.George. When speaking to groups at the jail, long term caregivers, family members, and fellow staff members, every little thing that we can do for others will help. Working at Jennings gives me the opportunity every day to be the ” SALT ” As I continue working and speaking to groups about how we can all build God’s Kingdom, telling your story about the ” SALT” will enhance others lives as we share God’s love.

  6. I agree with Fr. George. This reminds me of St. Theresa, Little Flower as she shows us the way also to do little things to love Jesus everyday and we have so many “little things” and ways” that we can touch people’s lives and make this a better world. It is better to do, than not to do…even if they are very small gestures of kindness and love. This is really the path presented to most of us. This is a good video which makes us realize that we can do “some things” every day to make a difference in our lives and in the lives of one another…Thank you, Fr. George. JMJ

  7. This video’s message is so simple, it’s deep! If we are Christians, the message should be second nature to us. To quote from PMF (Preaching the Mystery of Faith), “The whole point of these methods and practices is that the preacher (us) learns to see the world through biblical eyes.” (PMF, pp. 34-35). To quote the pope (EVANGELLI GAUDIUM, #128, “…in the awareness that the message is so rich and so deep that it always exceeds our grasp…”, your video is perfect. Your closing words from your homily of June 12, 2005 were, “Jesus is not placing some burden upon us. Jesus is showing us the way to happiness, the way to life.” Thank you.

    PS On the stage, your shadow should have been behind — not to the side– of you. Would this be more effective?

  8. So many times in my life I could see myself stepping right over the opportunities to “be salt” for someone as I was looking for the chance to be a big ball of light. Of course I failed miserably. Your video gives me the practical way toward Jesus – be mercy and forgiveness in all the “little” ways God presents everyday. Great job again, you are three for three on the videos

  9. Thank you for the insight on the small things. Very few of us will be called on to change the world-to be a Mother Theresa. But there are so many times that a smile, a hello or thank you can change the course of someone’s day.

  10. Wonderful words! God has given all of us different gifts and we should put these gifts to work everyday, big or small.

  11. Your video was wonderful. I have never understood this message about salt until now. It is so beautiful and I feel so blessed to have heard your message. Thank you Father George.

  12. I always enjoy your videos Father Smiga. They are wonderful to share with my teenage sons, family and friends. Good lessons on living the bible!
    thank you.

  13. Thank you for the insight into this scripture passage. The reminder that we can positively impact others lives in very simple ways touched me deeply. I am trying to slow down and be more conscious of the feelings and needs of my husband, friends and the strangers I come in contact with everyday. The messages in your previous videos have been just as meaningful to me, so much so that I have shared your website with my friends here in Cocoa, Florida!

    I was visiting Cleveland this weekend and was able to attend Mass at St. Noel on Saturday evening. Thank you Fr. George.

  14. A provocative and insightful message.
    Often I feel that because I am not a Eucharistic minister, a lector or in other ways directly involved in the ministry of my church, I’m really not “doing” anything to spread the love and word of our Lord.
    I am reminded now that every good deed or small action is a work of the Lord. Every pinch helps!
    Thank you Father George

  15. The video is wonderful. It most certainly has a strong but simple message and it it beautifully presented. I especially enjoyed the practical examples and the effective use of the visuals and the music.
    Thank you for presenting it.

  16. Great message. It really puts into perspective all the random acts of kindness that all of us do and don’t realize their importance. It puts service to others into context and reminds us that a small action can have a big impact on someone.

  17. Hi Father George,

    I have been a huge fan of yours for years, from reading “Living With Christ”…I have recently discovered your website, and feel as though I have opened a big Christmas present!
    Thank you for sharing your amazing gift with us…your words and insights into Holy Scripture have been wonderful food for me as I journey forward.
    Your video is amazing; I particularly like the pace of your speech, and the clarity. I also really liked your choice of music; (no, I do not think it is too loud!). I like how you vary your video with alternating images, (especially your fingers dropping the salt on the egg…) it was beautiful…thank you again Father!


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