Christmas Pilgrimage

My prayer for all of us is that we would celebrate this Christmas not as tourists but as pilgrims. And what is a pilgrim? There are two possible definitions, and both of them apply.

The Cost of Family Love

The movement by which we open ourselves to love is the same movement by which we open ourselves to pain. You can’t have one without the other. Both thrive in family.

The Greatest 3 Commandments

The great commandment according to Jesus is the triple commandment of love: to embrace God’s love for us, so that we can come to an adequate love of self, so that we can extend that love to others.

Forming a Face

Ronald Rolheiser has suggested around the age of 40 the lines of most people’s faces are set. From that age onward, every face betrays a certain character, a certain personality, and a certain kind of beauty.