A Body to Touch
What is the meaning of the curious invitation by Jesus to Thomas to take his finger and place it into the gash on Jesus’ side? Why would Thomas want to do this?
What is the meaning of the curious invitation by Jesus to Thomas to take his finger and place it into the gash on Jesus’ side? Why would Thomas want to do this?
The life that Jesus offers us today is not life instead of evil, but life in the midst of evil. He promises us that we can have life, even in the presence of death.
As we reach out for the things that we want, we are not being selfish. We are following a way to God. Nothing will ultimately satisfy us other than God alone.
The devil comes three times to tempt Jesus. If it takes Jesus three times to send the devil packing, how much more difficult will it be for us? That is why it is essential for us to stand our ground.
The Beatitudes contain a loophole, an escape clause, by which number of us might gain access to the Kingdom of God.
Salt has a distinctive flavor. When Jesus tells us that we are to be salt for the earth, he calls us to stand apart.
Both the early Rabbis and Japanese monkeys tell us that even the smallest action of loving-kindness is valuable and important.
Jesus tells us that we are to respond to violence with non-violence. It would be difficult to find a more challenging teaching in the entire Bible.
The transfiguration of Jesus calls us to wisdom and humility, claiming the truth that we can see and remembering that there is truth to which we are blind.
God has a plan for our lives, but we do not see that plan all at once. This is why we must be willing to take the next step as God gives us the light to see it.
Our value, if it is to become real, must be claimed. If our dignity is to have power, we must hear our true name.
As Lamb of God, Jesus’ sacrifice is effective not because it is bloody but because it is motivated by love. We are called to follow Jesus’ example.